New Government Statistics

New government statistics on Big Data technologies

We offer a fundamentally new approach to the type of data and data collection technology for the formation of state statistics required for operator control and monitoring of the real situation in the economy of households in the municipalities

Now there are for exampleUnifiedinterdepartmental information and statistics system which data is always irrelevant when you are trying to take advantage of them How many oranges were worth in 2013 is absolutely useless information in July 2015

The second problem There is still no aggregate statistics in the context of the municipalities Just look halfempty base passports municipalities

in the bookThe Age of Turbulence Adventures inAlan Greenspan GreenspanAlanwhen the US Federal Reserve has taken a decision on the discount rate is always a question of understanding the real situation in the country and the relevance of statistics at the moment decisionmaking changes in key economic indicatorsExamples

To identify local risks

For example in Nizhny Tagil Uralvagonzavod workers took to the picket with a demand increase salary Plant management said that sn normal Mayor confirms this Objective Statistics old Data that could show the loss of purchasing power in this city without the involvement of the plant of the mayor and the director not

Another example is the prevention of debt load in the population of the Volga in a period of declining wages and income of the population in the city Local risk point is blurred on the background of even one of the Volgograd region Federal state statistics does not help in this matter and on the ground may deliberately hide her

Idea Provision of real live aggregate household data for the previous month by number zip

automatically identify risk points a decrease in income zakreditovannost etc at the municipal level rather than subjects RF without the participation of mayors and administrations in the form of an index a cat It will be calculated on a monthly basis and display the ratings of all Russian municipalities on the degree of risk of variouscode

Data in the context of each postal

kolvo Registered hundred subscribers due

Wed cells costs connection per month for 1user

sharp increase in Internetqueries with the keyword for example the mayor stole the plant people etc

for sale on the count b u of automobiles

price of 1 square meter of

the number of payment acceptance terminals and the average size of payment

other information that may be of interest to them

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427 N Tatnall St, Wilmington, DE 19801-2230, US